Monday 16 January 2012

It feels like -36C today in Calgary

...luckily the 14 Day Trend on The Weather Network shows an average of +23C in Guatemala City! Just 7 more days until we leave our Calgary lives behind in the Harts' basement and go explore the world for a year.
I've been thinking about some of the things I'm going to miss while on the road like my bed, long hot showers, straight hair and the Centennial year of the Calgary Stampede ... as well as some of the things I won't miss like my daily sardine-esque C-train commute, studying for the CFA exam, and digging out my car after a dump of snow. Of course what I'll miss the most is family & friends so start planning your trips to come meet us somewhere this year!!


  1. wow! thats cold, it's 10 and raining here!

  2. I am looking forward to your first blog and your first photos. I miss you already.

  3. I checked out Quetzalroo, it looked really cute and by the comments the owners seem amazing. I hope you have an awesome time there and I want to see your pictures on their wall next time I check it out!

  4. HI! Sounds like you guys are having the time of your lives!! Sucks that Jod got hurt.. but.. suck it up!! ha! Miss you! Work just isn't the same without you. Keep blogging!!
    Luv ya!
    Lisa xoxo
    PS.. Mike says *hey*
