Sunday 11 March 2012

A Windy Week in San Juan del Sur

We capped off a great time in Nicaragua with 5 days in San Juan del Sur. Known for being a party town, we indulged in the fun, just a little :) It was an extremely windy week, with the power coming and going in the whole town on a daily basis. Our hostel here was run by a sweet Nicaraguan woman called Mamma Sara who made it feel like a home with her unmatched hospitality. From the warm greetings everytime we came or went, to serving us typical Nicaraguan lunches & lemonade every day, to the great people we met staying there, we really enjoyed our last week in Nicaragua. Here's a summary:
The beach lined with boats in the water and thatch huts on the sand:

A very windy hike up to the Jesus statue on the cliff overlooking San Juan del Sur:
Sweet Mama Sara:

A fun night out at the "Black Whale" where there was a great live band and good dance music:
Walking across the border was a bit of a gongshow: pay to leave Nicaragua, walk 1km with all our gear in tow, wait in an hour long line-up to get our stamp for Costa Rica - all in the stifling afternoon heat. A sweaty bus ride brought us to the town of Liberia, where we are picking up our rental 4x4 "Daihatsu Bego" and hitting the open 'road' for a week with our Belgian friends... this should be an adventure!


  1. Ahh hitting the open road would be AMAZING! Have fun! xoxo

  2. That backpack you are carring is enormus! Looks like you were dealing with the stifling afternoon heat though! Be careful. love Mama xoxo

  3. like the pictures!
