Wednesday 22 August 2012

Vacation on Zanzibar

Africa was a bit difficult and expensive to travel and, at the risk of sounding spoiled or ungrateful, after almost 7 months on the road we felt the need for a vacation. Zanzibar seemed like the perfect place so we parked ourselves on the beach for a week and did a whole lot of nothing. It was just what we needed.
We spent two nights in the main city of Stone Town before heading to a much smaller village called Paje on the east coast. We were so lucky to meet Suleimon, our host for the next 6 nights at his quiet little "Masika Guesthouse" where we were two of only three guests the whole time. Suleimon also happened be an Italian-trained chef which played well into our plan of doing nothing since he cooked all of our meals during our stay for a small fee :) We enjoyed mounds of fresh fruit every morning and feasts of fresh seafood each night. During the days we alternated from the hammock to the beach and from reading to napping with a lot of beach walking & swimming in between. Here are some photos:
Great view from the plane to Tanzania of Mount Kilimanjaro and her little sister Mount Meru, peaking above the clouds
Suleimon showing us how to prepare octopus - first you beat it with a stick then you rub it in the sand...
...then you rinse it in the sea before cleaning it really well in fresh water

kite surfing is very big in Paje

Suleimon's Masika Guesthouse: Karibu Sana = You are very welcome

The tide went wayyy out for about 3 hours a day but when it was high tide the water was perfect
Stone Town from the ferry
Feeling refreshed we started on our next adventure to Arusha, Tanzania where hopped on a 4-day Safari,
which was amazing. I'm still sifting through 900+ photos so the next blog post will be a bit delayed...


  1. love,love,love except for the octopus, love you both mama

  2. Hello,
    thank you very much for the nice review. I have now made a website for the guesthouse:

