Wednesday 31 October 2012

Andaman Coast of Thailand

After Cambodia we headed back to Thailand to check out some of the islands and beaches on the Andaman (west) coast. After another couple days in Bangkok we headed to Koh Lanta where we found a great little hut at a resort right on the beach complete with two pools and a perfect view of the amazing sunsets.

Once again we rented a scooter so we could tour the island and check out some other beaches. Unfortunately we incurred a minor scooter incident which led to us making a great escape from the island which led to a ferry ticket scam which led to Jody almost getting drop-kicked in the face by a tiny Thai guy, Matrix-style. This story is much better saved for telling in person but needless to say it was an adventure getting to Koh Phi Phi, the neighboring island where we settled in for a couple days.
We weren't big fans of Phi Phi island as it's over-run with tourists and they don't seem to have their sewage system under control but you cannot complain about the scenery - it's beautiful! The limestone cliffs make for incredible backdrops to the clear, aqua water and soft, white beaches.
The main draw, of course, is to see "The Beach" which was filmed on Phi Phi Leh. We were loaded into a longtail boat and dropped at a few stunning locations to snorkel followed by some time to explore 'the beach' which was very pretty but chocked full of tourists. While we were glad we went we were ready to escape the tourist-trap that is Koh Phi Phi and head back to the mainland.

Our next stop was a town called Ao Nang where delicious Indian restaraunts abound and gorgeous beaches are a short boat ride away. We spent a long day at Rai Leh beach soaking up the sun & scenery and cooling off in the sea with our frisbee.

Lanterns lining the ocean-front walkway in Ao Nang
From Ao Nang we made our way down to our next stop, Malaysia!

1 comment:

  1. Great shot of the lanterns Nel! You guys are s lucky i just get beleive your life right now! I can't wait to hear the scooter story! Love you be safe my little ones! xoxo
