Friday 5 October 2012

Starting out in Southeast Asia

Kao San Road, Bangkok. Besides hundreds of backpackers it is also famously home to ice-cold 7/11's, almost-undetectable ladyboys, sizzling Pad Thai stands at every turn and hundreds of touts selling everything from custom-tailored suits to fake college diplomas to LED-tshirts, to name a few.
We spent a few days here reconnecting with friends and meeting some new ones. We were sure to get our fill of Pad Thai and Tom Yum in between visiting a massive outdoor market, riding on the river taxi, viewing the city lights at night and cruising around in tuk-tuks. While there has been tuk-tuk transport in most of the countries we have visited, none seem to have been as decked out as those in Bangkok with their coloured, flashing lights and loud, thumping music.
In attempts to beat the heat we also spent much time either in 7/11's, on the Sky Train, or in the malls - all heavily airconditioned. The mall highlights included glow-in-the-dark bowling in our own private 'VIP' room complete with a karaoke machine and, on another day, feeling like we were back at home watching a movie in a deluxe theatre, eating flavored popcorn :)
The best part for me was probably the massive crepe filled with bananas and smothered in Nutella that you can buy on the street for next to nothing... mmm I'll be making these at home from now on.
From Bangkok we headed to the northern part of Thailand. In Chiang Mai I recovered from the airconditioning overdose (minor head cold) by sweating it out on rented bicycles, crusing around the city & checking out temples. Jody was so happy to see that his favorite BBQ-stand man still sets up his food cart at the same spot along the river as he did 8 years ago when he was here last. I was so happy when Jody introduced me to the Chiang Mai Saloon where they blare country tunes and the staff are decked out in western wear (I may miss Ranchmans a little....).
Jody's golden nugget with a handy bell & basket
Our next stop was Pai. Beloved by Jody on his last trip to southeast Asia he was shocked to see how much the little town had changed and grown but remained loveable all the same. We walked, read, skyped with our families and were generally lazy in Pai while combatting the rain of monsoon season on and off all day. We rented a scooter and rode through villages around the beautiful countryside and to the top of a canyon, stopping to see waterfalls and hotsprings along the way.
After a few days we tore ourselves away from our adorable bungalow & lazy lifestyle in Pai and began the long journey to Cambodia...

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